Me, up a mountain in Jordan with the Dead Sea and Israel in the background

Me, up a mountain in Jordan with the Dead Sea and Israel in the background.

Smart Roadster Indicator Stalks on the Cheap

Well, slightly cheaper courtesy of the Smart ForTwo

Introduction One of my cars is a lovely little Smart Roadster. The most fun you can have with a .7 litre engine, turbocharger and a lightweight chassis and body! The Problem I had an MOT failure with the rear fog light switch not working. After ruling out the fuses and the bulb itself it was found to be the switch itself. It’s a rotating switch on the indicator stalk and whilst the sidelights and headlights were working just fine the final switch for the fogs most definitely was not.

Adding Search to Your Site Using Google

Google Programmable Search Engine - no server-side code needed!

Introduction I wanted to add search to this site. Whilst it doesn’t have a lot of content right now I’m confident it will continue to grow and for me I might want to quickly find something from deep history in the future. My requirements were quite simple: Must work just fine with a Hugo static site. Minimal or no server-side code. It’s something else to maintain and goes contrary to my aims of keeping this site as simply as possible.

Windows Live Custom Domains in 2024

How does this grandfathered product fare in 2024?

Introduction Many, many years ago (around 2012 it turns out) Microsoft made it possible to bring your own domain to Hotmail and have your email serviced by them. Free of charge! I’d had this domain a little while and was fed up of the overhead of spam filtering, mailboxes, etc. In short - I wanted something that worked without becoming a mail admin. I ran with this happy for many years until Microsoft discontinued the service some years ago.